Selected from the UntraveledRoad virtual world.
Click on the image for the full-sized image and text.
The Last Hurdle | |
The Track that United the States | |
Golden Spike National Historic Site | |
Golden Spike | |
Jubilation Coast to Coast | |
Last Spike Driven | |
Transcontinental Iron | |
Competition, 1869 | |
May 9, 1869 | |
May 10, 1869 | |
September, 1869 | |
September 8, 1942 | |
Chinaman's Arch: A Monument in Limestone | |
Big Fill Trail | |
The Orange Special Wreck | |
The Big Trestle | |
The Last Cut | |
People and Rails | |
Rails of History | |
Stairway to Promontory |